Bodyslams & Milkshakes

Happy Thanksgiving yall! Well, a day or two late but better late than never :smile: I hope you had a good harvest feast wherever you are and however you celebrate. I had a really really nice time this year because my bff and her man drove nine!! hours to visit us. The seven of us (which includes two dogs and a cat) shared a big meal in our new house. It felt like a real housewarming :))) I laughed sooo hard watching these two enormous dogs try to befriend the kitty. She hid under the bed the whole time, but I did get them to touch noses.
Here’s a pic of our dinner table… that’s not even everything :’) we had to serve sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, and the rest of the turkey on the counter because we ran out of room on the table.
I’m grateful for my friends and thankful that we finally have a place to host them for a few days. While they were here we saw some wrestling (bodyslams!) and ate at a cool burger place (with milkshakes!). We drove around and showed them the beach, the woods, and a few of our favorite neighborhoods. Didn’t hang out with family this year because some are sick and there’s a bunch of drama happening with others… but honestly, I consider my friends to be my family so I guess I did hang out with fam after all!