The future was then: The Palace

Feeling: experimental

Palace Chat is a visual chat software and protocol that launched in 1995. Basically an early experiment in metaverse development, it offered a unique creative medium to especially-online teens like my friends and me. Palace users edit and wear pixel art props comprising an avatar. From this 132x132px canvas, microtrends emerged that continue to influence pixel art decades later.

Remarkably, there are still a handful of Palace servers online - and you can see them for yourself. Theres nothing like browsing the technocutie old web wasteland hosted on servers still running after 20 years. There are a few spinoffs of Palace software kept alive over the years, but I found it easiest to boot up a Windows XP virtual machine and run the original application.



  1. Download UTM free from the Github link on their site.
  2. Install Windows XP on UTM per instructions at this link. When you’re ready to select a Windows XP installation ISO, you can use an image made available by the Internet Archive.
  3. Once you have XP booted up, open IE and navigate to From the Downloads page, click and install Client User Software v3.5 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT.
  4. Install the downloaded .exe and then launch Palace! You’re ready to connect to a Palace server.

Live servers are limited in number, and those online only have a handful of mostly idle users. I chatted w a few people who were nice and most certainly real humans, which is rare on the internet in 2022. If nobody is online, you can still steal dollz for your neocities click around some cool old art projects and giggle at the weird adult servers. You can even create, find and edit avis the same way.

Some servers I found that still work include KoRn Korner (which itself has an interesting story behind it) and Avatar Palace. There are a few directories out there on the world wide web too, like The Palace Portal.

Have fun!

Bodyslams & Milkshakes

Feeling: Accomplished
Playing: Hoobastank - Crawling In the Dark

Happy Thanksgiving yall! Well, a day or two late but better late than never :smile: I hope you had a good harvest feast wherever you are and however you celebrate. I had a really really nice time this year because my bff and her man drove nine!! hours to visit us. The seven of us (which includes two dogs and a cat) shared a big meal in our new house. It felt like a real housewarming :))) I laughed sooo hard watching these two enormous dogs try to befriend the kitty. She hid under the bed the whole time, but I did get them to touch noses.

Here’s a pic of our dinner table… that’s not even everything :’) we had to serve sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, and the rest of the turkey on the counter because we ran out of room on the table.

Our table!

I’m grateful for my friends and thankful that we finally have a place to host them for a few days. While they were here we saw some wrestling (bodyslams!) and ate at a cool burger place (with milkshakes!). We drove around and showed them the beach, the woods, and a few of our favorite neighborhoods. Didn’t hang out with family this year because some are sick and there’s a bunch of drama happening with others… but honestly, I consider my friends to be my family so I guess I did hang out with fam after all!


Feeling: Chillin
Playing: Res - They-Say Vision

Today was such a buzzkill! I wanted to get out of the house so I decided to go check out a local festival. I blowdried my hair and put on makeup which I don’t usually do because I thought maybe if I looked nice I’d have a better day out. I took too long to get out of the house, forgot to eat lunch, and found myself starving and stuck in traffic. Forty five minutes in the car trying to find parking… finally I gave up, got chicken nuggets from a nearby drive-thru (any port in a storm) and went shopping instead. Imagine driving all the way out to do something cool and winding up sitting in the car with fast food :( so annoying.

At least it is Saturday night and there’s fun project to hack on and cool layouts to make :) What should I watch tonight? I finished Better Call Saul a few weeks ago and felt like rewatching Breaking Bad, so I’m on season two of that. It’s way better on rewatch, especially knowing what I know about the plot. Anyway, I have turned on the lava lamp, put on my billowy PJ pants and grabbed a key lime nitro beer. Time to chill <3 Laters

Welcome to my new site!

Feeling: Excited
Playing: JODA - Spark

Hello and welcome! I made this website because I kept seeing lots of cool pages people made on neocities that look exactly like pages I used to make and I felt inspired! I first started making layouts and websites when I was in middle school (when I wasn’t making skins for The Sims, that is). I fell out of the hobby when Facebook and social media started to be a thing. So it’s exciting to see this kind of stuff again!

Right now I am watching This Is The End on Netflix and it’s pretty funny. I saw it in the theater and remember liking it at the time. Who doesn’t love an end of the world movie? Especially because it feels like that sometimes :( Anyway this movie has funny celebs. I still don’t like Michael Cera though.

I’m not sure what’s going on this weekend but I should probably get outside a bit. Maybe I will build a fire tomorrow night if the rain stays away. I love my fire pit and have an extra bundle of wood, plus it’s only like 60 outside which is the perfect temperature for being outside. I can finally get my boots from the closet!! <3

Well that’s all for now, I hope I’ll remember to write in here as often as I used to write on my old websites. Thanks for coming by :)