
Today was such a buzzkill! I wanted to get out of the house so I decided to go check out a local festival. I blowdried my hair and put on makeup which I don’t usually do because I thought maybe if I looked nice I’d have a better day out. I took too long to get out of the house, forgot to eat lunch, and found myself starving and stuck in traffic. Forty five minutes in the car trying to find parking… finally I gave up, got chicken nuggets from a nearby drive-thru (any port in a storm) and went shopping instead. Imagine driving all the way out to do something cool and winding up sitting in the car with fast food :( so annoying.
At least it is Saturday night and there’s fun project to hack on and cool layouts to make :) What should I watch tonight? I finished Better Call Saul a few weeks ago and felt like rewatching Breaking Bad, so I’m on season two of that. It’s way better on rewatch, especially knowing what I know about the plot. Anyway, I have turned on the lava lamp, put on my billowy PJ pants and grabbed a key lime nitro beer. Time to chill <3 Laters