Welcome to my new site!

Hello and welcome! I made this website because I kept seeing lots of cool pages people made on neocities that look exactly like pages I used to make and I felt inspired! I first started making layouts and websites when I was in middle school (when I wasn’t making skins for The Sims, that is). I fell out of the hobby when Facebook and social media started to be a thing. So it’s exciting to see this kind of stuff again!
Right now I am watching This Is The End on Netflix and it’s pretty funny. I saw it in the theater and remember liking it at the time. Who doesn’t love an end of the world movie? Especially because it feels like that sometimes :( Anyway this movie has funny celebs. I still don’t like Michael Cera though.
I’m not sure what’s going on this weekend but I should probably get outside a bit. Maybe I will build a fire tomorrow night if the rain stays away. I love my fire pit and have an extra bundle of wood, plus it’s only like 60 outside which is the perfect temperature for being outside. I can finally get my boots from the closet!! <3
Well that’s all for now, I hope I’ll remember to write in here as often as I used to write on my old websites. Thanks for coming by :)